.... proved this morning the value of having the camera at easy reach as you work in the garden!!!
Doing a few odd jobs and heard this noisy minor noise, looked up and just as luck has it, happened to go straight to see these two heading across the sky towards us.
Grabbed the camera, and thankfully have also learnt if you are going to have the camera ready, then it will need to be set for a bird in flight. As anything static gives you time to adjust the setting.
Had time to get about four shots and although not a "top" shot, quite liked the action of the noisy minor giving what I think is a Brown Goshawk a real "pain in the butt" as it tried to get away from it.
Enjoy, and have a look in LARGE to see those big eyes on the hawk, any wonder they spot prey from high above!
... STOP PRESS... just finishing this off and the boss yelled out to bring the camera! Two Satin Bower Birds back in our yard after a long absence looking for tucker. Love those blue eyes - have a look in extra.
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