Under the Hammer

Today was hectic and very exciting. We went to bid on a property we want for a rental and future build site. I spent all morning stressing, researching, asking for opinions. In the end, I went with the bidding strategy I'd been planning all along which was to open at a price that would immediately knock out the bargain hunters and go from there. It worked well and after only 3 bids all the other parties stopped and it was paused so we could negotiate. We made a raise, it was called on the market and we went back into the room. Someone tried going up by $1000 so we did too and they stopped after that so we got it. Very exciting.

As we walked out of the auction room my phone rang and I saw pre school on the caller id. Lincoln had a suspicious looking rash so we had to pick him up and take him to the doctor. It is likely to be hand foot and mouth which is no big deal. I had to take him to work while I sorted out paperwork and calls for our purchase which was challenging but with some extra cuddles from others in the office we got there.

He has been really happy all night so we hope he's back to normal tomorrow.

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