Ripening Crops

The Bristol Student is no more... or rather, will have to change her name again. She's fallen even further behind on her journal than I but, she has more of an excuse.  

Now a fully fledged Graphics Designer, I'm so pleased that  she's graduated with a first class honours degree and has some impressive awards thrown in to promote her for the future.  She's so talented and already picking up freelance jobs! 

Now back in Surrey, she came to visit for the first time. Back to winter and threatening to rain every time we put our noses out of the door, we did manage to take the dogs out for a long walk without getting soaked. The cereal crops are beginning to change colour and the slopes that run up to the North Downs were so beautiful.  I have no idea why I went out with a wide angle lens. I didn't get any of the shots I really wanted but loved this of view as the sun started to descend.  A work night so I couldn't stay out for the sunset. Such a shame.  

Such a good day, but didn't leave time for computers ... so here's the first of two back blips.

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