Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley


After packing Wills house up last night  we headed back to his parents house. Today was absolutely gorgeous sunny with not a cloud in the sky. Unfortunately after a week off Will had to go to work so I was left to lap up the rays on my own. Liz finished work early too so came to join me. As we were eating lunch I got a call from Will telling me he stood on a plank of wood with a nail sticking out and he stood right on the nail. He had to pull it out himself, so as me and Liz were particularly worried we went to get him and took him to A&E. After a LONG three hour wait he finally got seen my a doctor who told him that all is well he just has to keep it clean and stay of work for 7 days and he had to have a Tetanus jab just to prevent the risk of diseases from the rusty nail.

An eventful day to say the least but luckily Will felt well enough to be able to go to the pub to meet some friends have some drinks and play some pool. So after all the worry of the day we got to finish it on a good note.

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