Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

More memories.

We were walking in George Street when we came across this magnificent doorway. It's on the north eastern corner of the Frederick and George Street junction. It doesn't lead anywhere any longer but has just been kept as the environmental feature it is. I love the carved stonework.
My dad had his accounts with the British Linen Bank until it was taken over by the Bank of Scotland in the late 60s. We used to use the Shandwick Place branch, which when I last looked was a prêt a manger. I remember Dad getting his first Barclaycard there when they first came out, it seemed like magic when he handed over his card and the shop ran the handle of a machine over it to take an impression, made about four copies, a quick signature and no money involved wow!
Because the British Linen Bank was Scottish, it issued its own banknotes too, you can buy them on eBay for under a tenner... or for several thousand pounds... depends what you fancy.
Memories are amazing when they come from out of the blue like that.

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