Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Mother's Pride

I am hugely underprepared for this weekend.  Heading to Bamburgh Castle for a spot of camping with No 3 and her friend.  We have still to dig out the tent and we're leaving at lunchtime (ish!) tomorrow.

The big girls have amazing memories of great camping trips, some with just the family, but their best memories are our 'mums and kids' camping - 10 tents, 10 mums, 22 kids.  These kids are now all 16-19 year olds and mostly making their own camping fun at 'T in the park' this weekend, but when they were a lot smaller (and less hormonal!) they were happy with campfires, and drunken mums, rounders, and playing in the woods at Pitlochry.

No 3 doesn't remember running around as a 2 year old in soggy campsites in her wellies with the 'mums'. So this weekend Mr S and I (and No 3's friend) are heading to Bamburgh for some camping fun.  No1 may come too (weather permitting).  I hate having to pack the car with camping stuff  but I passionately want to make sure she doesn't miss out on her own camping memories.  

No 2 is off on an adventure of her own.  Tomorrow she (and 3 friends)  fly to France to look after people who have travelled to Lourdes.  I'm hugely proud of them. They fundraised the cash when it's not 'trendy' to do anything involving any church - and they are spending a week cleaning, pushing wheelchairs, and looking after people who are less fortunate than themselves.

She sometimes drives me nuts, she is a whirlwind of emotion, but she also blows me away with her enthusiasm.  No.2 - I hope you have an amazing time, make tons of friends (not too many foreign boys!!) and come home safe.

Here she is, on the eve of her 16th birthday.  My own little firecracker!

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