As expected, we have had another day of sheet rain. The dogs could do with a tumble in the spin dryer along with my clothing.
I've spent some time today with P, an elderly Scotsman who has been forced, for health reasons, to move down south. Since his arrival he has spent more time in hospital than in his new home. His son knew Irene well and has asked if I can look in to give him something to eat and just make sure he is coping. When he learnt that, despite my accent, my home town was Dundee, he was very pleased and excited that he will have someone with whom he can reminisce. To move so far from home at 90 years of age is a huge undertaking and I can see his long stay in hospital has left him very tired and more helpless than he'd care to admit. Please, can I have a little good weather so I can take him out, to give him sunshine for his soul.
With the heavy rain came some brightness, in the form of jewels from heaven, hanging from the Delphiniums. I saw them glisten against the light from my kitchen window and decided that another soaking would at least get a good blip before a welcome hot bath. I've given the image a couple of filters to give the shot, on a driech day, a little bit of sparkle.
Unfortunately, one little Blue Tit tried to fledge this morning. I found it this afternoon, wet and lifeless. Such a shame! It's siblings, thankfully, are still calling from the nest.
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