Today I turned one year (and one day) old!

I am One year old.
One year since I came in to this world.
One year since I looked in to my Mumma's eyes for the first time.
One year since I snuggled in to my Daddy's arms for the first time.
One year since I made my loved ones in to parents, grandparents and aunties.
One year filled with the happiest of memories and amazing adventures.

I've had such a fun year. I've had so many exciting experiences and met so many lovely friends.

Everyone says I am such a character. I am usually found to be smiling, giggling, dancing or clapping but I have also recently learnt how to throw the most amazing tantrums when I can't do something I want to. Yes, I definitely have a stubborn streak...wonder where I get that from?!

My absolute favourite thing is to read books. I can often be found in my play area turning the pages of a book and talking gobbledygook to myself.
I also love to cuddle Jasper. I'm not usually a cuddly baby but Jasper gets a hundred cuddles a day, although I'm not sure how much Jasper appreciates my love.

I am now a very established walker. I love climbing on anything I can and I've learnt to go back down to the ground safely by going backwards. I am a very good sleeper at nighttime but I'm not so great at napping sometimes! I am learning new words all the time, my favourite word is 'shoe'!

I have eight teeth now, four on the top and four at the bottom, and it seems I am getting more at the moment too. I am 80cm tall and I weigh 13kgs already! At the moment my hair is dark blonde and a bit curly.

Mummy says I have a very charming personality. I love meeting new people, who get greeted with my big smile. I make friends wherever I go and I am most happiest when out and about and around people. I am definitely a sociable little fella.

This year has certainly been an eventful one, filled with so much laughter and love...I am looking forward to what the year ahead brings.

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