One Crowded Hour

By GlassRoad


...and while the sky and the sea may not be as blue as expected on the Cassowary Coast at time of year, bush tucker certainly is.

This blue fruit Elaeocarpus angustifloius is also known as the Blue Marble Tree, Blue Fig and Blue Quandong and Cassowaries just love it.
We are yet to see a Cassowary 'in the wild' but judging by the number of 'recent sightings' signs on the roads I'm hoping it may happen.
The second heaviest and third tallest living bird (after the ostrich and emu) they are curious looking critters with a crest on their heads called a casque. This may amplify deep sounds and the 'boom' of the Cassowary is the lowest known bird call and at the lower frequency limit of human hearing....would that make the casque a 'speaker' or 'boom box'??
Usually shy and retreating they  have a reputation as being aggressive but as is usually the case in 'wildlife v man' they are protecting themselves or their young if they do attack.

Junior and I found these fruit at the Mission Beach tourist info where (in the extra photo) they were selling native plants and trees for local gardens for a bargain price of $2.00.
No hope of taking anything back to Perth but what a great idea!

Internet supply a tad unreliable so do forgive lack of comments...normal service hopefully resumed in Brisbane in a week or so.

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