Tropical World, Leeds

Friday 10th July 2015 (1048)

What a great day! Played golf with a friend this morning. We tried a new course, which was really good, a few challenging holes that were not straight forward. I played really well today, especially as it was an unknown course. 

After sorting a bit of work out I then set off over the Pennines. My aunt has come up for a few days to stay with my mum so I went over to see them. We hadn't said I was going so we gave my aunt a nice surprise when I turned up in the garden!

I took them both out to Tropical World. It has recently been refurbished so we wanted to have a look round. Not many butterflies came out to play today but there were a number of other creatures willing to be photographed. We then went for a walk around the Alhambra gardens. 

Now it is back for a meal in the garden and a couple of games of cards.  

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