Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Let me tell you about my son

I was in Newcastle today for a meeting of the newly formed (today) North East Documentary group of the RPS. Before the meeting in the Laing Art Gallery, I stopped at Grey's monument to see who was there.  I took a few images and was changing lenses when this man started chatting to me.

He wanted to know if I use digital only. His son has a successful ebay business selling cameras and all things to do with film photography. We chatted and then he produced his son's business card to show me. He was clearly proud of his success.

Later I photographed two young ladies on pina colada day. They had a voucher which entitled them to one drink each. I also photographed two girls who were about to go on a coach to a pop festival. They wore colourful clothes with wellies and had boots and back packs. Their excitement was infectious.

Our meeting went well. We are going to meet 4 times a year and our next meeting will be an opportunity to bring along work for discussion.

Watched men's semis at Wimbledon. There was no stopping Federer today.  This evening we went to Sheila and BJ's for dessert and chat.

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