Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


Today we said goodbye to our lovely friend Debbie. I'm not sure that I still quite believe she has gone.
She'd have loved today though, all her friends and family there. Tea, cake, and party food. All of us together having a natter and laughing and crying together.
There were so many people there, that the crem was full, and people had to stand in the aisle and outside. That's because she was wonderful, and everybody knew it.
Her Sister did amazingly at reading a poem, and her mums friend said lovely words about Debs. After the service, they released two doves and 42 balloons. My friend took this photo, I can't take the credit today.
I'm sad that she's gone, she was my friend, I pray now that she's having a huge slice of lemon cake in heaven, and as many cups of tea as she likes.
Love you Debs, thank you for being my friend.

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