
By DancingAly

White Lillies

My favourite flowers. I bought some last week, and I have loved every day coming home to the beautiful smell! 

I had a bit of a lie-in today, which was much needed. I had a lot of plans, but in the end I executed almost none of them! I felt a bit lazy, especially when I had a nap in the afternoon, but I think my body needs it.The only problem is I feel a bit lethargic now, but a run might perk me up later!

I bought lovely Padron peppers which we had instead of canapes, and they were delicious! I had many different plans/events I could have gone to tonight, but I've actually chosen to stay in at home! Because I want to :-)

And I'm off out tomorrow night with a friend so maybe my saturday will be sunday instead this week. 

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