The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

A day of many halves ...

Mum was very perky this morning and happy to have a shower - Good

The police came to take a statement from me, asking 'how I felt' about the hideous, anti semitic website I reported to them ('Come and deJewifyGolders Green on 4th July - it'll be a gas') - How did they think I felt!

I rang the councillor who said he'd speak to the planning officer a few days ago, and who I hadn't heard from since. He tells me he discussed the neighbour's plans in depth and 'there are no grounds' to refuse them planning permission to build four houses in their back garden - Nauseating.

Mum keeps getting out of bed and I'm trying not to mind (but I do)

Here's a baby kestrel - they are so hopeless at getting back into their nestbox, bless 'em - but here he is, safely ensconced.

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