Gorgeousness Abounding.

We had a lovely morning with the in-laws, made all the better because Danny went off to the wildlife place and collected Monkey from his sleepover!! Asha was delighted to be reunited with him!
We then drove from Bath to Guildford, and straight to see this wonderful family. A few hours of chat, laughter, coffee and beer...perfection. It's been a loooong time since we saw these guys, so it was a real treat to spend time with them. Asha had a great time, watering the garden, playing, listening to stories etc etc....
Then on to our lovely cosy little hotel, where we're staying for the next 2 nights - everything about this place delights Asha!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Monkey & Asha being reunited!!
2) Time with this family - they were our mentors whilst we lived in Guildford.
3) Driving around Guildford, remembering good times and places...it was a somewhat idyllic time in our life...

My 'extra' was a quick snap of Stonehenge from our of the car window! 

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