An ordinary life....

By Damnonii


Woke up another glorious sunny morning.  I'm really going to miss the sunshine when we get home.  

Fingers crossed Alan seems a bit better today.  For the first time in 4 days he actually wanted to attempt to eat some lunch.  He managed 4 spoonfuls of ravioli and a packet of chocolate buttons (not the best I realise but I'll give him whatever he fancies in order to get his medicine in him) and so far his tummy has behaved itself.  No pool for him today but if dinner goes well and tomorrow's lunch causes no ill effects, then hopefully he can get in the pool tomorrow afternoon.

We had another lazy lunch in the garden then Alan headed out for a walk round the village with Ed and Elaine, to show show them the sights.  David and I headed out to explore the surrounding backroads (always more interesting than the main routes) with me hoping to stumble upon a field of sunflowers that we could stop at to steal some to photograph, but alas e found none.  What we did find was lots of fields of gold, some with the crops still swaying in the breeze and some, like this, where the combine harvester had done it's stuff.

We also checked out to local restaurants when we were out (one within walking distance of the house, yay :-) and they are both lovely, so I expect we will eat out at both sometime during the coming week.

The rest of the holiday party have gone to La Rochelle for the day and won't be back till later tonight so it's a romantic candle lit dinner for two in the garden for me and D.   Still to draw straws to see who's cooking :-)))

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