Maida Vale, London. W9

So Wednesday I buy a nice piece of salmon, enough for two meal. Thank night I chop the salmon in half, cook and eat one half and put the other half in the fridge for a later date. After dessert I have fruit with some Labne, that’s like an Arabic Greek yoghurt.
That night I wake up with awful pains in my stomach, I then start to vomit and the diarrhea begins. It’s murder, the doctor says its viral food poisoning which we put down to the Labne ‘cos that’s what I vomiting most of the time.
Thursday all day in bed, Friday up and eat a bit of toast Saturday better ……
Saturday night feeling hungry, having not eaten properly for day I think to myself, I know I will have that other piece of salmon in the fridge. So I cook and eat the salmon, lovely it was too….
Middle of Saturday night I’m awake again, pains in stomach, vomiting, diarrhea!  See where I’m going with this? It wasn’t the labne that caused the food poisoning it was the salmom……. I’ve re-infected myself! I need this like a hole in the head!

So back to square one, spent all day either in bed, on the bog or head in a bucket.

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