
By Peahen


I found a bookshelf full of old photography books and magazines at Lacock Abbey today. You know when you see something, and realise that you are stood right in front of the proverbial gift horse's wide open mouth? Information, inspiration, education and all sorts are right here. The Journeys one is from their Travel Photographer of the Year (2013) exhibition. Photography in the Modern Advertisement is from 1937, the Design one is from 1949 and the two Photographis are from 1968 and 1971. I can't even start to tell you about the number of sexist ads that I'm longing to rework. Maybe another day.

ok... Just for a taster then, Photography in the Modern Advertisement asserts that photographs of men should never be retouched, a mere couple of pages after extolling the benefits of improving photographs of women. It's been going on a while, then....

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