In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Complete control

Such a busy day.
Before I dropped June at her brothers' we did some shopping for him at Tesco.

I then came home and got stuck into packing. Took a lot of stuff down from the loft to pack, and even managed to dismantle the exercise bike. How to get it down from the lift is another matter.

Had to drop some money at the office on the way back in to pick up June. This is the boring door to the control room at the office, and it's the only picture I took today. They mis- named it as they only think they have control.

Because of the late hour we got back we got a chippy supper for Jaks for dinner.
Gave up on the new series of True Detective as, although the script is great and the acting is good, it just doesn't hook us.
As a countdown to our move, I will post a song with the number of days left.


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