Dog Days and Life

By hellcats

Mouse or Lion?

Spoilt for choice today. Got out of the shower and discovered Cedar carrying out reverse basket weaving on a basket of bulbs he's brought in from the garden. He'd chosen the rug with the deepest pile. No trail, so he must have carried it in well.

Took the boys to the beach for a run. Letting them off the lead was similar to greyhounds out of a trap....however they got so far and turned round and with a look of demonic glee they headed straight back to me.....narrowly avoiding two broken legs I set off running with them. Cedar has had another 'e-number' day and I do believe this has done the trick...and so it should!! Drake seemed to take all his frustrations out on him and at one point he was completely pinned to the sand being used as a mop. After fishing panty liners out of the sea...dirty ferret!! and giving himself a seawater enema we have a tired dog. Poor Drake will be fit for nothing tomorrow!

It was a lovely rest from job hunting. Not much wind and just warm enough to be pleasant, but not too much for the boys.....the sea like a mill pond and an impressive black cloud looming....running with them is the best thing......their joy of running just for the fun of it rubs off...for a moment it was actually ok to be unemployed.....flying along the sand just for the joy in great company.

Came home to see Mouse carrying...a mouse. Took the camera out by which time she had dropped it and was watching it run away. It carried a leg injury but seemed to be ok apart from that. She seemed to have no idea what to do with it and at one point the mouse turned round to have a go and she backed off. I did get this one but so many great shots I was spoilt for choice. Shes' caught nothing for years. Yesterday she caught a bird and was found just sat next to it. The bird was fine to release. The mouse got away. That'll be the one with crutches!! Maybe she feels the need to take over from Midge? She has a way to go!!

This is the mouse on the way to freedom..

"I used to have this little mouse. I buy birds from the pet store and I let them go".
Ziggy Marley

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