
By AlexDarke

Going Underground

Today's Antique and Vintage Fair at the RNCM was moved to next week....... so whilst we was there we might as well have a look around to see what's on offer here. So we plunged 190m underground and had a tour of the old mine. I found it very interesting indeed and the kids did too, for the first half an hour or so... By 90 mins I think they'd had enough, which was fair enough. It was pretty intense at times!

Then we went to Hull, missed my folks, and drove onto Zoe's to exchange birthday and holiday presents. Once home, my 'contraband' keys where left in Boo's bag... so I HAD to kill time in my new favourite boozer. Shame. Cheery Stout.... Oh. My. Days!!!!! 

One more week of E&M being at Primary school. I can't believe how quickly time flies. All change at Southy....

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