
What do you do when you are facing snow blizzards and freezing cold winds.  You bake some Anzac Biscuits of course!!  We have had the biggest "Snow Event" in over 20 years in Australia with a huge area of the East Coast experiencing snow in the past 24 hours.   I have to admit that in all the decades I have been alive and having tasted many Anzac Biscuits, I can't ever remember baking any.  It was just one of those days today when it looked like we were going to be snowed in, so with plenty of rolled oats in the cupboard I got busy and baked a few.  I have to say, (even if I do say so myself), they were scrumptious.  These humble biscuits have a very colourful history.

PS - In answer to Weeflecky who just commented, "I wanted to see the snow"  I  have to report that it had melted before I could change the lens on the camera :-)))

PPS - Oh, by the way, my mystery blip the other day was a brand new branch of a Dill plant that I have growing in the Veggie patch!!  I hope a few of you had a sleepless night trying to work it out.......Just saying :-))))))))

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