Remembering Lucy - May 29th 2003 to July 13th 2014
Our Dog Lucy
The most beautiful Springer Spaniel in the world.
Loved lakes, rivers, streams and puddles - the deeper and muddier the better.
Loved carrots, Mini Cheddars, McChicken Nuggets, cat food, leftovers and blackberries.
Loved Clumber Park, Sparken Woods, the sandbanks and The Mallard.
Helped with the shopping, picked up dropped laundry and fetched her Mum's slippers.
Was born to run.
Chewed the ears off every soft toy she possessed.
Loved snuggles, hugs, kisses, strokes, tummy rubs and back scratches.
Brought boundless love, fun and happiness to our lives.
Loved Teddy, Harvey, Bobby - and us!
Most of all Lucy loved being a dog; and she will live in our hearts forever X X
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