
By dwalletta

Not open yet

The tournament doesn't kick off (tee off?) until Thursday. I'm not sure if this lot are planning to hold on to their view of the 18th hole until then, or if they were just hoping to see a passing Tiger practicing his swing.

I was press-ganged by a friend into chumming her to St Andrews, to help titivate a flat she owns there. Usually occupied by her student daughter, it's being let out to a rich American golf fan for the week of The Open, for some ridiculously large amount of dosh. She was in a flap because he'd just told her it had been a toss up between renting her flat, or staying at the (very posh) Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh. Better take down the Che Guevara posters and remove the dope plants before he arrives. Or maybe student flats have changed since my day.

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