Our annual report is published and on the web

Our newly published Annual Report available now highlights the change we have implemented to enhance local healthcare services.

Download it at http://www.eastleicestershireandrutlandccg.nhs.uk/images/pdfs/Summary_Annual%20Report_Web2.pdf

These include:

New Urgent Care Service – used by over 4,000 people in their first few weeks of opening

New integrated health and care teams helping hundreds of people get support and treatment, avoiding hospital admissions or returning home earlier

Advanced care planning – supporting GPs to develop care plans for people living in care homes, and those with terminal illnesses to better meet people's needs and wishes

Introducing Personal Health Budgets so that people can take control of their care
provision in a way that suits them

Training GPs to manage heart failure and treatment of atrial fibrillation, preventing some high risk people from suffering stroke

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