Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

SD Card And Case

Have you tried to get one of those little plastic cases for your memory cards lately? I have and NO one has them for sale. Of course new SD cards aren't sold with protection cases anymore and so (presumably) the loose flash memory has to go thrashing about in the camera case with terminals unprotected. Wonderful!

Apparently there are some obscure websites for companies in Hong Kong and similar sorts of places which sell substitutes. Trouble is I want to SEE such things before I buy them. Don't mind me. I am the President of "Fuddy Duddy International" and am currently attempting to audition for "Grumpy Old Men".

In any event these days all of the keen types appear to have discovered narrow depth of field ... evidently "it's not a real photograph" unless you've got narrow DOF. Sigh! Thought I'd have a go. Mmmmmm! May have overdone it a little.

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