BIG clear out

In the back part of our garden it's a bit of a jungle but the wildlife love it.
But, we aren't getting any younger and we need storage so we've decided we need a decent shed so have to clear out this section of the rear garden.
Bushes were about 8 feet tall and spreading well. Marlane started off cutting a lot of the foliage before I realised she was out there doing it so I eventually joined her with my excellent pruning saw and ratchet pruning clippers. As you can see we made great progress and used a neighbours 'Green' bin for garden waste (asked them first) so we had two such bins chock a block with our labours.
Decided that we needed to burn some of it though as we already have quite a stock of logs from when the Eucalypt tree died and we cut it down to a few low branches so we could make a swing and allow insects to live in the bark.
So in this space we will have an 8ft x 4ft plastic (thick moulded so it's strong) shed where we can story our garden stuff including a box with outdoor furniture cushions, and maybe overwinter the table and chairs.

Hard work but it's going to make life a lot easier in the long run.

Julia took the photo by the way, I had no idea. I was going to use one of the fire.

Added an extra photo of the smoke from the front of the back garden, if that makes sense!

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