Itty bitty frog

This photo is very deceiving since this guy was less than an inch in height. He was crawling up the window as I sat, drinking my coffee. Adorable. Then, I saw another by the pole barn this evening! I don't know- did he make it over the top of the house, down the other side, across the patio, through the grass and over to the barn?? Maybe he hitchhiked.

We spent the day at the Cancer center and Joel's news was not as good as we had hoped for. In fact, they didn't treat him at all because there was no good apparent option. So, now we wait for doctors to confer with researchers. Oddly enough, though, one gets used to these things, really, and we live our lives despite it.

Oh! I almost forgot!!! Thank you, thank you for your sparkles and hearts in celebration with me yesterday. I loved each comment and appreciate your kindnesses.

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