Montague, PEI

We arrived in Prince Edward Island (PEI) last night to catch up with my brother-in-law's parents who are staying at a friend's cottage.  There are three cottages side by side all owned by members of the same family.  My mum, sister, brother-in-law, husband and myself (not to mention my sister's dog) are sharing the cottage next to the one where my brother-in- law's parents are staying.  This is the view out over the estuary from the lawn of the cottage are staying in.

We had such a great day here, I had to include some extra photos of this beautiful place.  In the morning my husband and brother-in-law went swimming in the estuary while we walked the dog on the beach.  In the afternoon we went to the beach and my husband and brother-in-law convinced me to come in to the ocean for a swim, although it took forever for me to get into the cold water.  In the evening a friend from PEI came to the cottage to visit us.  

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