Sports Day

He was robbed of third place in the egg n spoon race actually. A pushier child claimed he had come third. Not that it makes any difference, you just went a longer way back to your seat on a sort of parade lap with a podium place. This is a school where I would have enjoyed games, genuinely no one gives a crap where you come and they all had a lovely time.

Will won the bean bag on the head race though, it's hard to beat him with his giant head. The three legged race was the best for laughs and the expertise of some of the girls in the skipping races was frankly awesome.

All good fun though then off to the last swimming lessons of term where they did relay races, teams have to be carefully managed with this set of four friends - one competitive one and one dreamy, vague one per team otherwise everything grinds to a halt. I will leave you to draw your own conclusions for Will's category.

And it's sunny again. And after the soft unpainted launch of my gin palace, the painting is done so tomorrow is First Day Proper.

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