Turning the hay!

I know it looks like a tiny tractor compared to those you see in UK but this is hay turning Guernsey style.
Bet it needed turning too as it's been very wet for a couple of days
and the other problem is that this field borders La Valle de Terres which is used to stage the  "Hill Climb".
This takes place several times each year and specially prepared cars, motorcycles and go-carts race up against the clock.  
Well, there is Hill Climb arranged this Saturday and it is to be an International event so, lots of non local vehicles and drivers will be here to take part.
Should be a fun event for petrol heads but, this poor farmer must get his hay baled and moved as otherwise there will be hordes of people trampling on it and probably also dropping litter though, we do hope not.
I expect that some of our Guernsey blippers will attend so, you may see some hill-climb blips on Saturday.
Not me sadly as I am trying to refit our guest bathroom in time for some guests arriving on Monday.

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