Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea


This was on the side of my friends smoothie carton today. I particularly like "you're much smarter than you look" as a compliment...I've had this said to me before and not known how to take it, how can you look smart or not smart?

Anyway this morning I was on my own in the office and water started coming through the ceiling. I had no idea how to deal with that. Paper towels seemed inadequate. So the next step was a basin and a call to the office grown up who called the necessary people and some fixers appeared later. Disaster averted.

Then the train home was a drama as two of the carriages were broken so we all (four carriages worth -probably more) had to travel in the other two carriages. So that was cosy. Especially since the driver had to get off at Dalmeny and walk to the other end of the train and then squeeze back on past sardine passengers squished against doors.

People are funny aren't they.

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