Arachnis wingmirialis

When my girlies were quite small they were fascinated (and a little scared) of the spiders that seem to delight in living in the space behind car wing mirrors. To calm their fears I told them the spiders were a special species of 'wing mirror' spider Arachnis wingmirialis, specially adapted to life behind car wing mirrors.
Imagine my horror when years later my older daughter told someone about these special spiders, with their fictitious  name! oops!! I had to come clean and admit I had made it all up.....not a good place to be, especially as she didn't then believe it was a lie!
This particular Arachnis wingmirialis has a wonderful web around my car wing mirror, the other day it was grappling with a large fly, trying to wrap it up at 50 MPH! 
Sadly, all it had caught today was a Silver Birch leaf!!

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