Times Of My Life

By CarolB

Up Periscope!

It started out as another filthy day; very dark and wet and cold.  By lunchtime though it had dried up, and the Rockster was happy to lie at the gate keeping an eye open for an opportunity for a good bark. 

He was snoozing when Mack from next door came into his garden, so that immediately caused him to raise his head and look keen!  Mack is in disgrace currently, due to facilitating a jailbreak by the Hamsters!  Mrs Next Door and the Kids are away on holiday, while Mr Next Door is looking after the 4 cats, Mack the collie, and the 2 hamsters. 

On Monday the hamsters got put outside in their cages to get some fresh air, and Mack accidentally (??) managed to knock them over, and the wee creatures got out and escaped.  Personally, I think the blinking  cats have eaten them, but Mr Next Door is in a quandary: what does he tell the kids?  He thought the kindest thing would be to say he got up one morning and found them dead in the cages, so he buried them in the garden! 

I pointed out that simultaneous hamster death was unlikely; as was a suicide pact!

Anyway, I'm very pleased with the Hydrangea in flower behind Rocky, as it has been in the garden for about 6 years, and this is the first time it has flowered.  The Hostas though: they are lovely, but am I the only person in the world who hates the flowers on them?  Very ugly, creepy flowers - I'm going out with scissors to snip them all out. 

Might pretend to G that it was the escaped hamsters who ate them!

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