Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Backyard Buddy

I can always depend on my squirrels for a quick blip....especially when I have peanuts.  It was a busy day today getting unpacked, cleaning the trailer and doing laundry.  We got home last night from a great camping trip to Lake Granby, near Rocky Mountain National Park.  It was a completely relaxing week, especially since my knee has been bothering me and I really couldn't hike.  I did walk a lot but had to stay on even ground.  Ed and I might have been relaxed but Piper was on alert from dawn to dusk checking for wildlife and digging every time we turned our backs.  Our campsite was right on the lake so she did quite a bit of swimming too.  I mostly took pictures and caught up on my reading, which I love but rarely do.  I haven't had time to upload all my pictures yet but I hope to get it done in the next few days and then I will backblip from the trip.  First thing tomorrow, though, Piper gets a bath!  :-)

Thank you to everyone who left comments and stars and hearts on my 365th blip!  I have tried to thank you all individually, but please forgive me if I missed you!  

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