Return to the North

By Viking

Ryan, yeah that's RYAN Adams

My day was split into three very distinct parts
1. I was at Te Papa for the days opening of the Gallipoli exhibition. A very moving exhibit and one which was very emotional for the hundreds wandering through.

A return to the shop I went to yesterday to buy a skirt and some trousers.

2. Back to the hotel to do some school work that needed to be done. Spent a solid 3 hours on that then .....
3. The reason for the trip at all - the Wellington Opera House to see Ryan Adams. He was, as ever, bloody amazing. He has one of the most plaintive voices I've ver come across and his songs pierce my heart.
The Opera House isn't huge so I was pretty close to the front. Had to tell two blokes to ' Shut the f*** up when the warm up act was on but after that it was all amazing. It sounded like he was singing just for me. And of course he sang some of my favourites.

He does amazingly well to say he suffers from Menieres Disease ( an inner ear problem like vertigo)

Back to chch tomorrow and then the long drive south. Worth every mile as well as every penny

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