A rubbish photograph on a rubbish day...

Today I was supposed to move to Alderney. It started foggy with heavy drizzle but by lunchtime had cleared to a beautiful warm sunny day. Not so Alderney! The fog lifted briefly to allow two planes to leave the island but none even attempted to land. So after sitting at the airport all day the flight was finally cancelled at about 6 o'clock and I was re-booked to try again at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.

So I booked a hotel near the airport and went ringing at the local church. I then had a meal at the hotel and walked up the road for a glass of wine. I'm so glad I did because I bumped into old friends I hadn't seen for probably 30 years. I had been a witness in a court case where the husband was being sued in relation to a plane which crashed with invalid insurance. Mt friend told me that my evidence had bean the turning point in his case because he saw the expression on the Bailiff's face change as I collaborated what others had said. Since I had really very little involvement in the whole episode I had thought my evidence to be fairly worthless. Whether it was as useful as my friend thought he has apparently spoken kindly of me often since then so I'm very happy that it helped. 

Now will I get to Alderney tomorrow...

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