Dancing in the Moonlight, Everybodys feeling
For several years, Si has cultivated and loved this plant.
Each year, seven or eight blossoms have appeared. He has taken the feather of plant shagging and tickled the blossoms, and little things have started to grow and then just as we think they might turn into something, they fall from the tree, or one year, when there was just one little button pod left, a cheeky, fat blackbird came down and stole it.
This year, he dug it up and put it in new soil in a pot, and moved it from one side of the garden to the other.
More blossoms; lots of work for the feather of plant shagging and so many little blobs.
So many, and yet so few. So many fell off. But these two remain. One might be edible, the other already eaten by something...
So I thought I would capture it before it disappeared too - just to record the fact, that the "Plum Tree" which he has cared for, for at least three years, is in fact a cherry tree.
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