TAP Coffee
More of a calm café atmosphere in large.
The usual suspects: smart-phoning, chatting, and working...
I went out with my brother this afternoon: we went on a bit of a coffee crawl... We started at Kin on Foley Street (vegetarian/vegan food, and reasonable coffee), moved on to TAP on Tottenham Court Road (superb coffee, and a blip), before stopping at Draft House for something cold, then headed back (via the Goosles) to Brew (on the Northcote Road) for a coffee nearer to home...
One of the last times that I was in TAP was with LadyMarchmont.
I've uploaded another TAP shot (here), and some Goosle pics (right from here).
This made me laugh: Goosle goslings don't enter the water elegantly...
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