my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie


Today I started the unenviable task of trying to decorate our hall in just 3 days.  Doesn't seem like too much of an ask at first until you consider 6 panel doors all badly painted through the decades.  The vicious cycle of DIY continues - the person before you did a half arsed job so you end up spending more time than expected tidying up their mess and then therefore do a half arsed job yourself...
So today's work was:
 bathroom door nitromors'ed and sanded, both sides,
 Bedroom door sanded, 
front door sanded, 
surround and skirting around above doors sanded.

Again, doesn't sound like much but it took a while!  supposed to be painting the primer on the bathroom door as I type but I have decided to leave it.  This is my holiday dammit!

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