Iszi Bradley

By iszibradley


To my surprise whilst having another challenging day clearing out the loft I found this. It is a massive box of newspapers from the day i was born to the day my brother was born.
It says for me to open when I am 18 and of course its long past that now but my Dad must have forgotten that it was even there around that time. Or if he told me I certainly forgot as that was a whirlwind of a year. So much happened and when I look back it is very surreal. Me turning 18 getting my first ever bar job, moving to university breakups and make ups. Then my lovely dad passing away. Its certainly a year I won't be forgetting in a hurry.
Anyway it made me smile finding this and I also found mine and my brothers first pairs of shoes, and some baby clothes etc. So I've put them all in a safe place so one day we can get to it when we want to show our children.

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