
For those of you who can read music, you may spot something a bit weird about this stuff.
Lots of sharps and flats; check.
Lots of semi-quavers that do go as fast as they look; check.
No patterns to learn to make it that tiny bit easier; check.

But what this lovely composer has decided to do is make each accidental (sharps and flats) only apply to the single note it's been put in front of, instead of the more usual way of an accidental applying to the whole bar.
When you've spent a whole playing lifetime learning it that way, to suddenly have to get your head round playing it another way, with these extended rapid passages of notes, is exceedingly boring to learn.
We have an open weekend next week. A whole weekend of concerts and this is for the concert of contemporary music. Come along and see the 2nd horn's head explode!!

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