Schools Out!

Last day of term, and like every year the local newspaper come around and took a picture of every year 6 class and print them in the last week of the summer term. So as this is printed in the paper I feel I can take a picture and use it for blip. It seems an age ago since 2014 and even longer since 2013. It was a tearful day  as expected, but I think the kids have had a good day. After the Leavers assembly they went around the school collecting signatures from staff and friends.  

I have come home with boxes and boxes of chocolates and lots of flowers, not to mention bottles of wine and other presents. Such generous parents and staff. Our Head was there at the end to wish all the year 6 kids farewell and also on the main door to the school a little later to give all staff a cuddle and wish them a good holiday.

Alarm clock switched off for 7 weeks! Happy weekend blippers

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