Hasta la Vista Baby

Antonio Muñoz has a formidable career behind him.  He was the undisputed number one among blond Swedish girls on holidays at this particular stretch of the Mediterranean, from 1966 to 1991.  Antonio had everything going for him; his winning smile, the charming accent, the Jason King moustache, the prominent sideburns, his hairy chest, and a few impressive gold chains.

By the late 80ties, Antonio was know as "The Terminator" and thought himself invincible.  That's why he didn't see the need for reinventing himself after 25 year in the game.  However, in 1991 his career came to a grinding halt, and Antonio was forced to throw in the beach towel.  He never wanted to speak about the detail around that moment, but rumour has his last words to his last blond Swedish friend (who really was Russian) was "hasta la vista baby".

The next 24 years, Antonio spent in his small beach front apartment trying to figure out what went wrong.  Today he decided to make his comeback.

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