
I dropped a friend off in town then went out to visit my parents.  On my way there I noticed how the sea and sky were the same colour.  After visiting Mum and Dad I headed back towards town to have breakfast with friends at the Boat Shed.  Once again I noticed how monotone the water and sky were.

Wouldn't you know it, once we left breakfast and I headed out of town, the colour had changed a little - but I stopped anyway as I liked how 'overexposed' it looked naturally.  Trying to get the same look from the camera, in the pouring rain on the side of a busy road, wasn't so easy.  But this is pretty similar to how it really looked.  All I've done is crop it to remove the excess grey sky and the full width of the wet road.

Horrid weather.  Lots of poor driving in evidence on my way home (not mine of course).  

Car unpacked, fire lit, book and cup of tea in hand.

NOTE:  what looks like a dirty smudge on the lens to the left of Fifeshire Rock is actually a white boat.

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