Turtles All The Way Down

By Stacebob

Cowabunga, Dudes!

HOLY COW, YOU GUYS. After a load of panicking about travelling to and around London by myself, I managed to get to London Film & Comic Con and have the BEST NERD-DAY EVER. Once inside I had a quick pass of the vendors area before plonking myself in the queue to meet Kevin Eastman. I got to chatting with a lovely Irish dude in the queue which calmed me down a ton, before meeting Sir Eastman for the first time. He is an absolute gent; really kind and lovely. He complimented me on my TMNT dress, we chatted about the Nick show, and ghe very polited laughed at my story of having had a tooth gap when I was younger. He signed my book, shook my hand and took a business card, and it was FABULOUS. All a-quiver, I made my way over to the 3 TMNT actors tables (Michelan Sisti who played Mikey in the first live action movie, Lief Tilden who was Donnie, and Nick Palma who was Mikey in the second movie). All three were wonderful; I ended up with a high five, a hug and a photo from all three. SO GOOD!

On top of all that awesomeness, I had an official photo with Eastman, and got tons of compliments on my TMNT dress. Cracking day.

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