
By SLPlearning

Willing Success

Great session with learners from West Dunbartonshire today.  We talked about the Statement of Ambition for Adult Learning first.  It was new to most of the group members but they were keen to find out more and how it could help them get some fresh resources in to support their work.

What does quality in adult learning look like for you?

Inspirational tutors/workers who are with you every step
I choose to do this
My life has been transformed-what's poor about that?
A gently nudge or word of encouragement
Not being judged
No pressure to get qualifications-they're a bonus

Measuring the quality of systems don't figure highly on the priority list for the adult learners we've met so far-they help provide a backdrop, that secures a safe place.

Throughout our discussions people's experiences of quality is the most important determinant for success in a task based exercise like adult learning.  The most important quality indicator is the personality and support of the tutor or worker that the group spends most time with. The words ring in my ears still-'it doesn't matter about the scale of the challenge-the fact that someone believed in me changed me and gave me hope'.

This quote sums it up nicely :

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give another person, he believed in me. 
Jim Valvano

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