The Green Grass of Home

By aCaseiro

Bad, bad mood... and Kinghorn - Scotland

1. Got up with a huge headache .... funny .. now I'm sleeping decent hours my head hurts. Looks like my brain works better with 5 hours of sleep and countless coffees to keep me up and alert.

2. It's my birthday... not fun to have to add (unwillingly) another one... 

3 This weather is making me very frustrated and angry.... came here full of ideas and packed more photographic gear than clothes, and this bl***dy weather is keeping me inside. If the past grey and dull days were not enough today the wind is impossible. We did an attempt this morning but we did not last out for long. The wind was to much of an annoyance and unpleasant. 

4. Tried to see if I could get some macros of any insect I could find, in the back garden.. well garden is an euphemism. And the bat who lives upstairs came to ask me if I was living here... no dear, I left the spaceship at the end of the road....
I guess she was upset because she saw me looking inside the bushes and she was afraid I could eat any of the (scarce) berries around the patch...
I just pretended I was not understanding ...And in fact I wasn't, because I can't understand half of what these barbarians up in the North say....

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