
By Nigel

I Hardcore You

The discovery of Vino on Broughton Street has been both a boon and a curse. Availability of very nice craft beer fromk all around the world but this beauty cost the best part of a wrinkly fiver. It is very tasty, though I can't say that I'd pay that for it again and it was very similar to Brew Dog's Hardcore IPA (which you'd expect it being a variant of) which is mildly cheaper.

After ironing all morning I thought I'd surprise Jen by meeting her off the train but a combination of poor communication and me being slightly late meant it didn't really pay off.

After Jen went to work I set the printer up again after a long time without it only to find that the ink needs replacing. Rather stupidly I thought I'd run around and try and get one but that was about as successful as meeting Jen from the station and wasted 2 hours of the afternoon.

So eventually I settled down in the house with some more nice beers from Vino and backblipped most of May, was very tiresome experience, I must try to avoid it in future.

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