
By ChrisGroucutt


Continuing the emotional journey with Joe and his transition out of primary, we started the day with a walk through the woods. (Actually it started with a full English breakfast, but that's more about me than Joe).

I had taken a shot of him stood at a crossroads in the woods, but it was a little too much fromage even for me, and that's saying something... my fromage threshold is pretty much non-existent. So I thought this little shot of the family following Joe emerging from the shadows of childhood into the burgeoning light of adolescence might be a little more tasteful. See... Je suis le roi de grand fromage.

Joe has been a little subdued, as expected, but a friend's birthday bash at laser quest did him the world of good, especially as it was with a bunch of his ex-schoolbuddies.

The other reason I like this for a blip is because my old camera is now slung over Mrs. G's shoulder, and she's taking her first tentative steps into using a DSLR. Fun times ahead :)


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